You can help us by
- visit our Facebook page and share with as many friends as possible
- inform yourself on Pinterest about the plants and animals to be protected. Pictures that you like, you are welcome to “pin”
- our Instagram account and view more images and information
- subscribe to our newsletter (sorry, will be in German only)
All this contributes to make our project better known and to get closer to our goal to raise enough money to buy and maintain the land.
If you would like to donate some or more money to 😉, we would be very happy.
Support us on GoFundMe.
Take part in our challenge
Fold a frog out of a bill, take a picture of it, share it on your social media with the hashtag #frog4nature and let an amount of money hop into our “donation-pool”.
You can find more detailed information here.
Donate directly
Support us by direct bank transfer or PayPal payment to our specially created bank account. We guarantee that all funds will be used exclusively and 100% for this project.
Bank details
Account holders: Iris and Marc Willecke
IBAN: EN28 5001 0517 5595 7664 40